Web Page Maker 3.02+ Templates FULL VERSION. Build your web without knowing HTML Script!

This program is the best and easiest web maker ever!
Simply drag and drop your web elements, and enrich your web with Flash Enabled support!
These are the features of WebPageMaker 3.02

Main Features

* No html coding is required and you do not need any web experience.
* Drag and drop the objects. True WYSIWYG layout & design.
* Create websites with multiple pages and easily manage your site at once.
* The ability to import and edit an existing html page in a WYSIWYG manner.
* You can use CSS style sheet to control how the text appears on your site.
* Hundreds of functions: photo gallery, rollover image, flash slide show,
audio/video, flash video, ready-to-use Java Script effects, tables, forms,
iFrames and much more...
* Pre-designed website templates are included.
* Preview web pages in browser with one-click.
* Publish your web site with just one-click.

But, as you know, from Webpagemaker's official website, you can only download the trial version that will be ended its functionality after 30-day period.

Here, I'll give you the FULL VERSION. It means that you can use it with full functionality. Please note, after you feel satisfied with the use of this program, please buy the original one. I will not take any responsibility for any illegal purposes that will be occured.

Use Keygen inside to generate your serial code. Tested with Kaspersky Antivirus 2010.
No viruses detected.


*For your free hosting, simply click on red ad banner above. Grab your 1000mb web space for free, with no ads and banner nagscreen!*


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